

The Puig Foundation has maintained since its beginnings a very close relationship with the leading musical institutions of Barcelona. From supporting young talent, to promoting world-renowned competitions.

With its collaboration, the Foundation promotes the art of music and musical education, awareness of musical heritage and the dissemination of musical culture. Music has a great transformative capacity capable of breaking down invisible barriers and uniting people through the values of commitment, inclusion, and empathy.

Visual arts

Visual arts

Art, creativity and heritage conservation are part of the founding principles of the Puig Foundation’s social action. This action contributes to the dissemination of the artistic heritage of world-famous museums, such as the Prado Museum or the Joan Miró Foundation.

This commitment is in line with the Foundation’s objective of creating a strong bond between society and museums, promoting the connections of individuals, companies, and institutions whose donations contribute to preserving these world-renowned museums.

The Puig Foundation also promotes the recruitment of new creative talent, with the ultimate aim of disseminating art and ensuring that resulting emotional connections imbue society with the values that are key to its improvement.